Great Documentation

240+ minutes of tutorial video

1250+ page PDF manual

150+ direct links between the software and the manual

25+ tutorial guides for analyses

7+ GB of tutorial images

Smart Technical Services

Unlimited 1 to 1 training

24 hour online access to video recordings of all past trainings

Live support 9am to 4pm CST

Extended hours by appointment

Annual software upgrades

Modern Software Design

Tool Ribbon Interface

Windows 11 64bit Compatible

4GB TIFF Image Import / Export

Tracing Export to SVG

3D Export to PLY

Global Reputation

3750+ Citations since 2003

275+ University Licensees

30+ Countries with Licensees

15+ Pharmaceutical Licensees

15+ Core Facility Licensees

6 Meetings Sponsored in 2022

Standards Compliant

Follows ASBMR and BMAS Nomenclature

Skeletal Phenotyping Templates

Human Bone Biopsy Templates

Muscle Phenotyping Templates

Cancer Metastasis to Bone Templates

Cortical Bone Structure Templates

Osteoarthritis Analysis Templates

Implant Osseointegration Templates

Stereology Estimation Templates

Flexible Analysis

600+ Predefined Parameters

20+ Predefined Templates

Customize New Analysis Templates

Compute New Parameters

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