Biofunctionalization of the implant surface with different concentrations of a synthetic peptide (P-15)


R. Lutz, C. Prechtl, J. Nonhoff, T. Weisel, C. J. Damien, K. A. Schlegel


This study aimed at identifying the ideal concentration of a biofunctional surface coating of dental implants with a synthetic peptide (P-15). In a previous study, P-15 was shown to enhance osseointegration parameters. Implants (modified ANKYLOS® A8; FRIADENT Plus® surface) with five different concentrations (0–400 μg/ml) of a P-15 coating as well as uncoated controls were inserted in the frontal bone of 45 adult domestic pigs. The histomorphometric and microradiographic findings for the coated implants were compared to those for the uncoated ones after 7, 14, and 30 days. No significant differences were observed comparing the peri-implant bone density between the coated and uncoated implants The bone-to-implant contact, as the primary histological parameter for osseointegration, showed high rates for all surfaces investigated (between 73.3 ± 17.9% for the control and 81.9 ± 15.2% for P15 20 μg/ml after 30 days). No significant benefit on osseointegration of a biofunctional P-15 coating of dental implants could be displayed in the present study.

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